Family Fun Field Trips

This fall, nearly every adult, to some extent, is a teacher.  Children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and neighbors will be working with educators doing their best to support and help children grow and move to the next grade level. But there are many things about the new school year that will be different.

Things like huddling for science experiments with your lab partner or singing duets right next to each other will obviously not be part of the fall 2020 semester but neither will the in-person field trip. A time-honored tradition where students  miss a day of class, climb aboard a school bus, explore new places with friends, and return to school with new experiences, revelations, and a few new words in their vocabulary.

Computer Museum of America (CMoA) wants to help you fill the gap this fall by offering the Family Fun Field Trip series. This is an opportunity to combine a fun family outing with educational experiences.

Each month, we will spotlight a different STEAM discipline. CMoA will offer age appropriate activities for students of all ages. Let your child’s teacher know your plans to visit and perhaps your student can write a short report on what they observed and receive extra credit.

Focus areas:
September – Attention will be on the history of computing and technology using the extensive STEAM Timeline CMoA recently revealed. It illustrates the simultaneous development of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics from 20,000 BCE to modern days. Learn how technology has impacted our lives over time.
October – Following September’s history of technology focus, CMoA will turn to a lesson on the machines that changed history. Learn about technologies that truly altered history and changed lives dramatically such as the Apple 1, Cray-1, and the Enigma Machine.
November – Do your children like to play video games? Have they ever considered the history and evolution of the video games they play today? In November, CMoA will focus on video games starting with the Magnavox Odyssey, on display at the museum. Visitors can play on old school gaming devices and even learn about ways to make a career in gaming!
December – This is the month CMoA will help you explore space travel. From the earliest rocket history, to the first steps on the moon, visitors can see how it all began and understand the evolution of technology we see today.

Don’t forget that with a membership to the museum, you can return at no additional charge for a year.

CMoA is currently open on Fridays from 12PM-5PM and Saturdays from 10AM-5PM. Please check our website for any changes to this schedule.

Tags: education, family, field trip, video games

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