STEAM Timeline Revealed

Exhibits, News
exhibit, history, timeline

Over two years in the making, covering 1,000 square feet, with more than 1,100 images and an equal number of pivotal events make up this remarkable new exhibit at Computer Museum of America (CMoA).

The timeline is laid out so guests can view the innovators and technologies important to computing advancements over time and illustrates the evolution of flight and transportation simultaneously. Add to that the arts, with famous personalities, release dates of games, when heroes and sheroes hit the market, and a grand picture emerges.

The STEAM timeline at CMoA gives visitors a fun experience connecting familiar events with new discoveries.

“Selecting who and what would make the wall was daunting. But we involved a terrific group of subject matter experts throughout the process and believe the most significant events are displayed,” said Lonnie Mimms, CMoA founder. He quickly added with a laugh, “but we may need to find another wall because more is happening every day.”

Guests will notice many of the artifacts noted on the timeline can be found in the museum or in the collection which consists of over 250,000 items.

This is one display everyone will find a source of interest and inspiration.

Watch as our team builds the timeline!


Tags: exhibit, history, timeline

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