Safely Visiting The Museum

CMoA is open Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. We have guidelines around social distancing, protocols to help keep our guests and staff healthy and safe, and sanitizing measures throughout the museum. We are also prepared to make adjustments based on guidance from government and health agency authorities and visitor volume.

COVID-19 Safe Visit FAQs

  • On-going coaching of staff and volunteers to perform frequent hand washing and/or sanitizing
  • Serving you from behind a sneeze guard for admissions and merchandise purchases
  • Face coverings may be used at the ​personal discretion of the ​individual guest, staff, and volunteer
  • Encourage social distancing among guests, staff, and volunteers
  • Routinely sanitizing high touch surfaces throughout the day
  • Closely monitoring the guidelines and protocols in real time and making further adjustments as needed, including learning from similar venues in the Atlanta area and the Southeast
  • Staff training on the pertinent guidelines and sanitization protocols, face covering use and encouraging them to share observations, concerns and to ask questions as needed
  • Eliminated the need to sign for admissions and Gift Shop credit card transactions
  • Created a one-way flow through the museum when visitor volumes warrant
  • Installed a hands-free entry (using your foot!) in to our virtually touch free restrooms
  • Hand sanitzer is available throughout the museum
  • A willingness to visit us another time if you are medically fragile, have a cough, fever, feel generally unwell or may have been recently exposed to someone with COVID-19 (and we’ve told our staff this too!)
  • Use cashless payment if possible to eliminate additional touch points
  • Maintain distance from others not with you and kindly allow others to pass by you if you are taking in an exhibit a bit longer and when accessing the restrooms
  • Avoid touching display cases, signs, accessible exhibits, stanchions, etc.
  • Use hand sanitizer, located throughout the museum, or wash your hands, prior to playing a video game in the rotunda, retro-game corner, and punch card demo
  • Use hand sanitizer, located in the Gift Shop, or wash your hands, prior to browsing the Gift Shop merchandise or making a purchase (which will not be returnable)
  • Avoid sneezing or coughing into your hand or the air and use tissues or your elbow
  • Your understanding and cooperation to comply with the guidelines and protocols we’ve put in place, or may need to adjust real-time, and your willingness to cooperate with CMoA staff
  • Your understanding that the risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. By visiting Computer Museum of America, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19.
  • A willingness to communicate with our staff any concerns you have regarding these guidelines and protocols – this is all new to everyone and we appreciate the feedback before you leave, and hopefully earn a great review wherever you leave online reviews

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